How to Succeed with Technology & Digital Transformation

Successful digital transformation must be strategy-led. It must be part of the bigger picture for a business. Whilst it begins with a vision of what change will look like, the projects that result from that vision should closely align to and clearly support the overall business goals and objectives. 

Digital transformation is not a once-only activity – business transformation is an ongoing, evolving process.  

Key benefits of digital business transformation include:

  • Improved operational efficiency of 40%
  • 71% of digitally mature organisations are more likely to attract new talent
  • Businesses are 64% more likely to achieve their business goals.

Discussion Topics:

  • How to improve operational efficiency by 40%
  • How to improve deployment and speed-to-market by 36%
  • How to migrate 50% of your customers to self-service technology
  • How to attract more talent by being technology first
  • How to get your business tech-ready and future-proof
  • How to improve economic gains of 20-50%
  • How to save 40% of costs on software development

Hosted by

Stuart Payne

Strategy Director