Protecting Your Digital Assets and Ensuring Continuity

Cybersecurity & Disaster Recovery

In today’s interconnected world, businesses face relentless threats from cybercriminals and potential disasters that can cripple operations. Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to safeguard your digital assets and ensure uninterrupted business continuity.

Our expert team of cybersecurity professionals leverages cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices to proactively identify and neutralise threats, while our disaster recovery solutions guarantee rapid recovery and minimal data loss in the event of a catastrophe.

With Neo Technology, you can rest assured knowing your business is resilient, protected, and prepared for any challenge that comes your way.

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What is a Cybersecurity & Disaster Recovery?

Cybersecurity and Disaster Recovery are vital components of modern business operations. Cybersecurity focuses on protecting digital systems, networks, and data from unauthorised access, malicious attacks, and data breaches.

On the other hand, Disaster Recovery involves preparing for and responding to unforeseen events such as natural disasters, system failures, or cyber incidents, with the goal of minimising downtime and ensuring business continuity.

In the event of a cyber incident or disaster, Neo Technology offers rapid response and recovery services. Our incident response team promptly detects, analyses, and mitigates security incidents, minimising potential damages and preventing future threats. With our cloud backup and recovery solutions, your critical data is securely backed up and swiftly restored, reducing downtime and enabling seamless operations.

Comprehensive Solutions for Cybersecurity & Disaster Recovery Systems

At Neo Technology, we understand the challenges faced by organisations lacking resources, technical skills, and time when it comes to implementing robust cybersecurity and disaster recovery systems.

We also recognise the frustration experienced by those paying excessive costs or experiencing delays in deploying technology that meets their specific organisational requirements. With highly skilled and accredited UK/Global teams, an agile and DevOps methodology for efficient processes, and a focus on total visibility and continuous improvement, Neo Technology is here to provide comprehensive solutions that address these pain points.

Partner with Neo Technology to secure your digital assets and ensure uninterrupted business continuity.

Ensure Business Continuity

Protect Your Organisation with our Disaster Recovery Solutions

Minimize Downtime, Mitigate Data Loss

Robust Backup, Replication, and Recovery Strategies for Business Continuity

Disaster Recovery refers to the processes, policies, and procedures that organisations implement to restore and resume critical IT systems after a disruptive event. Our solutions ensure business continuity by minimising downtime, mitigating data loss, and providing robust backup, replication, and recovery strategies. Protect your organisation with our comprehensive Disaster Recovery solutions.

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Secure Your Systems

Enhance Security with our Air Gapping Solutions

Protect Sensitive Information

Physical Isolation to Safeguard Critical Systems

Air Gapping is a security measure that physically isolates a computer or network from untrusted networks, enhancing security and protecting sensitive information. Our Air Gapping solutions create a physical gap or air barrier, preventing unauthorised access and reducing the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches. Secure your systems and protect sensitive information with our comprehensive Air Gapping solutions.

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Fortify Your Network

Protect Your Systems with our Firewall Systems

Monitor and Control Traffic

Secure Your Network from Unauthorised Access

Firewall systems act as a barrier between your internal network and external threats. They monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules, safeguarding your systems from unauthorised access. Fortify your network and protect your systems with our comprehensive Firewall Systems.

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Detect & Prevent Intrusions

Safeguard Your Network with our IDS/IPS Systems

Monitor, Alert, Mitigate

Identify Suspicious Activities, Safeguard Your Network

IDS/IPS systems detect and prevent unauthorised activities within your network. By monitoring network traffic for suspicious behaviour or known attack patterns, they alert administrators and take necessary action to mitigate potential threats. Safeguard your network and protect your systems with our comprehensive IDS/IPS Systems.

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Protect Your Data

Ensure Security with our Data Encryption Systems

Secure and Unreadable

Convert Data into Unintelligible Form, Ensure Confidentiality

Data encryption systems secure sensitive data by converting it into unreadable form. With encryption keys, only authorised parties can decrypt the data, providing an additional layer of protection. Safeguard your data and ensure confidentiality with our comprehensive Data Encryption Systems.

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Preserve Your Data

Ensure Business Continuity with our Backup and Recovery Systems

Regular Backups, Rapid Recovery

Minimise Data Loss, Swiftly Resume Operations

Backup and recovery systems create regular backups of critical data and ensure its rapid recovery in the event of a disaster or system failure. They play a crucial role in minimising data loss and enabling businesses to swiftly resume operations. Preserve your data and ensure business continuity with our comprehensive Backup and Recovery Systems.

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Swift Incident Response

Strengthen Security with our Incident Response Systems

Detect, Respond, Recover

Coordinated Approach to Minimise Impact and Learn from Security Breaches

Incident response systems help organisations detect, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity incidents. They provide a coordinated approach to investigate, contain, mitigate, and learn from security breaches, minimising the impact and preventing future occurrences. Strengthen your security with our comprehensive Incident Response Systems.

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Ensure Business Continuity

Safeguard Your Operations with our Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans

Prepared for Disruptions

Backup, Redundancy, Alternate Infrastructure, Communication Protocols

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans outline procedures and strategies to ensure the continuity of critical business operations during and after a disaster. They encompass backup and recovery, system redundancy, alternate infrastructure, and communication protocols to mitigate the effects of disruptive events. Be prepared for disruptions with our comprehensive Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans.

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Protect Your Endpoints

Safeguard Devices with our Endpoint Protection Systems

Secure and Mitigate Threats

Antivirus, Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention for Endpoint Security

Endpoint protection systems secure individual devices (endpoints) such as laptops, desktops, and mobile devices. Using techniques such as antivirus software, anti-malware, and intrusion prevention, they detect and mitigate threats targeting endpoints. Protect your devices and secure your endpoints with our comprehensive Endpoint Protection Systems.

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Control Access, Ensure Security

Manage Identities with our Identity and Access Management (IAM) Systems

Authorised Access, Data Protection

User Identity Management, Authentication Protocols, Access Control

IAM systems ensure that only authorised individuals have access to specific resources and data within an organisation. By managing user identities, enforcing authentication protocols, and controlling user access rights, these systems minimise the risk of unauthorised access or data breaches. Control access and ensure security with our comprehensive Identity and Access Management (IAM) Systems.

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Monitor, Detect, Respond

Strengthen Security with our Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Systems

Real-Time Security Monitoring

Threat Detection, Incident Response for Enhanced Security

SIEM systems collect and analyse security event data from various sources within an organisation's network. With real-time monitoring, threat detection, and incident response capabilities, they help identify and respond to security incidents promptly. Strengthen your security with our comprehensive Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Systems.

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Test Your Defenses

Strengthen Security with our Penetration Testing Services

Identify Vulnerabilities, Enhance Security

Simulated Cyber Attacks to Proactively Address Weaknesses

Penetration testing, also known as ethical hacking, involves simulating cyber attacks to identify vulnerabilities in an organisation's systems, networks, or applications. Our Penetration Testing Services help organisations identify weaknesses, allowing them to proactively address and strengthen their security posture. Test your defenses and enhance your security with our comprehensive Penetration Testing Services.

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Mitigate Cyber Risks

Protect Your Assets with our Risk Assessment and Management Services

Identify, Assess, Prioritise

Develop Strategies, Implement Controls for Effective Risk Mitigation

Risk assessment and management services help organisations identify, assess, and prioritise potential cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities. They assist in developing strategies and implementing controls to mitigate risks and protect critical assets. Safeguard your organisation and protect your assets with our comprehensive Risk Assessment and Management Services.

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Build Security Awareness

Empower Your Employees with our Security Awareness Training

Cybersecurity Best Practices

Educate, Train, Foster a Strong Security Culture

Security awareness training programs educate employees about cybersecurity best practices, common threats, and safe online behaviour. These training sessions empower employees to be vigilant and contribute to a strong security culture within the organisation. Build security awareness and foster a proactive approach to cybersecurity with our comprehensive Security Awareness Training.

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Be Prepared for Incidents

Develop Robust Incident Response Plans with our Planning and Readiness Services

Swift and Effective Response

Protocols, Roles, and Responsibilities for Cybersecurity Incidents

Incident response planning and readiness services assist organisations in developing comprehensive incident response plans. These plans outline protocols, roles, and responsibilities, ensuring a swift and effective response in the event of a cybersecurity incident or data breach. Be prepared for incidents with our comprehensive Planning and Readiness Services.

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Other Types of Cybersecurity and Disaster Recovery

Take Charge of Your Cybersecurity and Disaster Recovery Today!

Our team at Neo Technology is here to provide you with expert cybersecurity and disaster recovery solutions tailored to your organisation's specific needs. Take the first step towards a resilient and secure future by contacting us today.

Advantages inCybersecurity & Disaster Recovery Solutions

At Neo Technology, we understand the challenges faced by organisations lacking resources, technical skills, and time when it comes to implementing robust cybersecurity and disaster recovery measures.

We also recognise the frustration experienced by those paying excessive costs or experiencing delays in deploying technology that meets their specific organisational requirements.

With highly skilled and accredited UK/Global teams, an agile and DevOps methodology for efficient processes, and a focus on total visibility and continuous improvement, Neo Technology is here to ensure your organisation achieves optimal cybersecurity and disaster recovery outcomes.


Benefit from the knowledge and experience of our highly skilled and accredited UK/Global teams, who are dedicated to delivering top-notch cybersecurity and disaster recovery solutions.


We understand that every organisation has unique requirements. Our solutions are customised to address your specific cybersecurity and disaster recovery needs, ensuring maximum effectiveness.

Cost-Effective Approach

Neo Technology provides cost-effective solutions, enabling organisations to optimise their cybersecurity and disaster recovery investments without compromising on quality.


Our agile and DevOps methodology ensures fast and efficient deployment of technology, reducing implementation time and accelerating time-to-value.


We prioritise transparency, providing comprehensive visibility into your cybersecurity and disaster recovery processes, allowing you to monitor and track progress effectively.

Continuous Improvement

We believe in constant enhancement and innovation. Our continuous improvement approach ensures that your cybersecurity and disaster recovery strategies evolve alongside emerging threats and technologies.


Neo Technology’s solutions are designed to scale seamlessly as your organisation grows, accommodating increasing demands and evolving security requirements.

Comprehensive Support

Our dedicated support team is available to provide assistance, guidance, and prompt resolution of any cybersecurity or disaster recovery issues you may encounter.

Global Talent

With access to a larger talent pool, Neo Technology can assemble a diverse team of experts from around the world, ensuring you receive the best-in-class cybersecurity and disaster recovery services.

Our Agile / DevOps Approach

At Neo Technology, we believe in the power of Agile/DevOps methodology to drive successful project outcomes. With Agile, we prioritise collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement throughout the project lifecycle.

By embracing the Agile methodology, we create an environment that values collaboration, adaptability, and customer-centricity. Partner with Neo Technology to experience the power of Agile in driving successful and impactful digital transformations.

Our unique hybrid model of onshore and global talent deploys at pace.

Development Phases

Initiate Project
Define Requirements

In the initial phase, we establish project goals, gather requirements, engage stakeholders, and create a shared vision. This forms a solid foundation for successful agile execution and project delivery.


Development Phases

Integrate & Test

During the development phase, agile teams collaborate, continuously iterate, and deliver increments of working software. Embracing adaptive planning, regular feedback, and transparency, they ensure high-quality results that meet evolving customer needs.


Sprint Planning

Agile Success through Progress, Presentation, and Planning

Agile teams assess progress, present completed work, and plan for the next sprint, fostering transparency, collaboration, and adaptation.

Sprint Review & Planning

Review, Feedback & Approve

Aligning, Improving, and Satisfying Agile Deliverables

Regular feedback cycles allow stakeholders to review deliverables, provide input, and ultimately approve increments, ensuring alignment, quality, and customer satisfaction in agile projects.

Sprint Review & Planning

Continuous Refinement

Agile Iterations Powering Adaptability, Quality, and Customer Satisfaction

Agile methodology thrives on the repetition of iterative cycles, continuously refining and enhancing deliverables based on feedback. This iterative process fosters adaptability, drives quality improvements, and ensures customer satisfaction throughout the project lifecycle.

And Repeat

Would you like to learn more about how Neo Technology can help your organisation achieve its goals?

Whatever your pain points and aims may be, our consultations will help you explore innovative and sustainable solutions, free of charge. Our Strategy Director Stuart will be happy to meet with you face-to-face or online at a time of your choosing.

Stuart Payne
Strategy Director

Book a meeting to discuss cutting-edge technological solutions for your organisations challenges