Success with Business Process Automation

Business Process Automation (BPA) is the use of software to automate repeatable, multistep business transactions.

What is Business Process Automation featured image mockup

What is Business Process Automation? 

Are manual processes slowing down your enterprise? Are you failing to meet the ever-increasing demands of modern consumerism? If so, you are at risk of being disrupted and ultimately, put out of business.

At Neo Technology, we leverage Business Process Automation (BPA) software to automate repeatable, multistep business transactions. In contrast to other types of automation, BPA solutions tend to be complex, connected to multiple enterprise IT systems and tailored specifically to the needs of an organisation. For instance, a retail BPA system might be used to automatically flag inventory that’s low in stock and trigger a purchase order from the supplier.

For many organisations, BPA is a common feature of the digital transformation process, as it helps to streamline their workflows and make projects progress more efficiently. By automating manual tasks, we empower businesses to free up their employees’ time and resources, enabling them to focus on the projects that matter most. In addition, BPA significantly lowers the risk of human error, which can help to improve data accuracy and consistency. Ultimately, BPA can enable organisations to improve their bottom line.


What is a Business Process?

A business process is any set of activities that helps a business reach a specific goal. In the context of automation, it’s usually a repeatable transaction that involves a series of steps touching multiple IT systems.  

Common business processes include fulfilling and invoicing a customer purchase order, approving a loan application, completing data entry, onboarding a new employee, and additional financial services, human resource tasks, and business operations. Business processes can be manual or automated. When automating a business process, businesses can use process mining to map out the existing process, identify inefficient steps, and make changes to optimise the process. Automating business processes can save businesses time and money by reducing errors and increasing efficiency.


What is an Example of Business Process Automation? 

Artificial intelligence (AI) automation is when you combine AI with your integrated software tools for faster, smarter decision-making. The system can now make choices on your behalf with the data it’s presented. Add in machine learning and it will grow the “intelligence” of the AI system the more information it learns and analyses. This can save you valuable time and resources that can be better spent elsewhere. In addition, AI automation can help you to identify patterns and trends that you may not have otherwise been able to see. As a result, AI automation can be a powerful tool for making your business more efficient and effective. 


What Are the Key Benefits of Business Process Automation? 

Higher Productivity 

With automated business systems, your employees can get more work done in a shorter timeframe. This is because they won’t be bogged down by monotonous or repetitive tasks that can often lead to errors. Instead, they will be able to focus on higher-level tasks that require creativity and critical thinking. In other words, automation improves not only output, but the quality of output.

Increased Revenue  

In addition to improving efficiency and quality, business process automation can also lead to increased profits and savings. Did you know automation can cut operating costs by 90%? When businesses delegate mundane tasks to machines, they free up their employees to spend more time on activities that add value to their customers. This can lead to increased sales and higher customer satisfaction. As a result, business process automation is a powerful tool that can help businesses increase their profitability. 


Improved Customer Experience (CX) 

Businesses that can provide quick access to products and services through business process automation will have the competitive edge. Automation enables faster response times, data-driven personalisation, and consistency across different channels. This improves the customer experience and helps companies differentiate themselves from the competition. In a world where customers have so many choices, businesses need to do everything they can to stand out. Business process automation is one way to do this.  


Manual processes are simply not capable of keeping up with the demands of the digital-first economy. As the company expands, the number of clients or customers increases, and the workload quickly becomes too much for a human to handle. Automated processes, on the other hand, can easily with cope demand increases. With automated machine learning and automated intelligence, company systems can operate at a much faster pace than any human, meaning they can quickly and easily handle a growing customer base.  

Minimised Risk of Error 

Even the most capable and skilled employees make mistakes. But when those mistakes occur in the workplace, they can have serious consequences. Whether it’s due to absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, or multitasking, errors can cost your business time and money. Automated workflow systems, by contrast, never get tired or distracted, and as a result, make errors a whole lot less likely. If you’re looking for a way to reduce the likelihood of human error in your business, consider implementing an automated workflow system. 

What Are the Best Business Process Automations for Your Business? 

At present, many organisations are turning to Microsoft Azure Automation, including us. Azure Automation is a powerful new tool that allows our clients to automate their management tasks and orchestrate actions across external systems from right within Azure.  

With Azure Automation, organisations can take advantage of the scalability and flexibility of Azure to streamline their workflows and improve efficiencies. In addition, Azure Automation integrates with a number of other Azure services, making it easy to set up complex automation scenarios.  

For example, organisations can use Azure Automation to automatically provision and configure new virtual machines, or to trigger alerts if certain conditions are met. With its many benefits, Azure Automation is sure to be a valuable asset for any organisation looking to optimise its operations. 

Another favourite of ours is (Amazon Web Services) AWS. With AWS automation, you can quickly and easily deploy your applications, workflows, and containers. You can also manage your configurations more efficiently. As a result, you can spend less time on tedious manual tasks and more time developing your applications. In addition, you can scale your applications more quickly and efficiently with AWS. So, if you are looking for a way to build faster and more efficiently, be sure to take advantage of AWS’s automation services. 

Power Automate
Power Automate is a powerful tool that can help you to automate your business processes. It allows you to record and visualise your end-to-end processes and provides guided recommendations for creating flows and data insights. This information can be used to inform you about what needs to be automated. With Power Automate, you can streamline your business processes and make them more efficient. As a result, you can save time and money, and improve your bottom line. 

What Are The Design Principles Of Air Gapping?

One of the key design principles of Air Gapping is protection. Air Gap backups should be stored in a secure location that is inaccessible to unauthorised personnel. This ensures that if the primary system is breached, the backup will remain secure. There are various other security measures that can be used in conjunction with Air Gapping, such as encryption and physical security. However, protection is the most important consideration when designing an Air Gap security system.

As any good technologist knows, detection is a crucial part of keeping data safe. Too often, organisations focus solely on prevention, without taking the time to establish patterns and identify suspicious activity. Teams must track usage, audit backups and collect intelligence on a regular basis in order to detect potential threats. In addition, automated alerts should be configured to notify security personnel of any unauthorised, suspicious or malicious activity.

It is important to extend your current existing disaster recovery and backup solution to build the Air Gap approach for application consistent backup, efficiency, cost effectiveness, testability and team adaptability.

Simplified management across environments using a centralised management interface for the Air Gap environment makes it easier to define policies to natively protect, automatically audit and monitor workloads.

It is essential to maintain a vaulted data copy that is always available in a different location such as the Cloud. This ensures instant recovery to any point in time at the source or alternate location. These include databases, on-premises Windows servers and 365 services.

Case Study – Bespoke Automated Business Systems 

The Challenge 
Our client, a leading global photography company, was running a mixture of custom-designed services with some licensed Software as a Service (SaaS) as well as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) from the leading cloud automation service providers.  

Their IaaS provider formed the building blocks of Magnum’s infrastructure. However, their in-house capabilities were limited in terms of skill, knowledge and capacity. Specialised skills and knowledge were needed to meet the needs of the business. 

The Solution 
Our teams took operational responsibility and tailored our services to the client’s specific business needs. Using Platform as a Service (PaaS), IaaS, and SaaS, we designed, developed and implemented “best practices,” designing and running an infrastructure environment using modern engineering practices and automation. This also included monitoring and maintaining all systems, upgrades and business workflow automation to resolve organisational issues. 

The Result 
The benefits of applying Business Process Automation to the client were clear from the increased system uptime that occurred during their peak sale periods, which lead to increased revenue.  

As their business automation consultant, we successfully delivered stable and reliable systems capable of changing rapidly to meet ever-changing business requirements.

In Summary 

To conclude, Business Process Automation can help improve workflow efficiency, profitability, sustainability and cost-efficiency and enable accurate data recording. However, it is important not to embrace a new set of practices for the sake of following trends. To succeed with Business Process Automation, first, you must define and formalise the processes. Our consultants and Managed Service Providers are here to help you to understand your biggest pain points and how automation will fit into the bigger picture of your business strategy.  

With Neo Technology by your side, Business Process Automation can be transformational for any business. 

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