
Modern Engineering & Automation

Bespoke Systems

Global Outreach



With its digital presence in the US and EU regions, Magnum Photos was running a mixture of custom-designed services with some licensed Software as a service(SaaS) as well as Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) from the leading cloud service providers.

Their IaaS provider formed the building blocks of Magnum’s infrastructure. However, their in-house capabilities were limited in terms of skill, knowledge and capacity. Specialised skills and knowledge were needed to meet the needs of the business.


We took operational responsibility and managed the required services bespoke to Magnum’s business needs. Through the use of Platform as a Service (PaaS), IaaS, and SaaS, Neo developed and implemented “best practices”, designing and running an infrastructure environment using modern engineering practices and automation. This also included monitoring and maintaining all systems, upgrades and workflow automation to resolve business issues.


The benefits of a DevOps/Agile methodology to Magnum were clear from the increased system uptime during their peak sale periods, which lead to increased revenue.

Using a mixture of evaluation and communication, Neo Technology successfully delivered stable and reliable systems capable of changing rapidly to meet ever-changing business requirements.


What Our Customers Say

Jacques Hauwaert Group Chief Information Officer at Magnum Photos

NEO Technology has helped Magnum Photos scale our operations, control our costs and improve processes whilst increasing system uptime to 100%, which in turn has helped us not only secure but also grow our revenue. Thank you so much for acting as our true digital partner.

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