Agile - Reduce the Cost of Digital Transformation

Implement Agile/Devops & Increased Visiblity And Drive The Pace Of Implementation

Savings Using Global Teams
1 %
Improvement in Productivity
1 %
Increase in Velocity
1 X
Lower Incident Failure
1 %


In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses strive to deliver software solutions that meet customer expectations and keep up with market demands. DevOps and Agile software
development methodologies have emerged as leading approaches, offering numerous benefits for organisations seeking efficient and iterative software development processes.


This e-book explores the advantages of DevOps and Agile, highlights current best software strategies, and provides insights on their implementation. Additionally, we delve into the challenges faced by businesses during digital transformation, and present 12 steps, supported by statistics, to overcome these obstacles. We also discuss the benefits of partnering with a global technology solutions provider that utilises Agile/DevOps methodologies, including a global talent pool, global agile working teams, time zone crossover, and remote working. As well as presenting a list of 10 things to consider when looking to reduce the cost of digital transformation.

7 Benefits of DevOps and
Agile Software Development Methodology

Business Benefits of
Using Technology to Become Future-Proof

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of software development, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for businesses to thrive.
Embracing the right software and implementation strategies can significantly impact a company’s success and efficiency.
In this article, we will explore the twelve best software and implementation strategies that have proven to be game-changers
for organisations across various industries. From agile development methodologies and DevOps practices to cloud-based solutions and
continuous integration, these strategies empower businesses to streamline their processes, enhance collaboration, and deliver high-quality software products that meet and exceed customer expectations. Let’s delve into these transformative approaches
and discover how they can revolutionise your software development journey.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Organisations with mature CI/CD practices have a 50% higher success rate in implementing DevOps, as found in the 2021 DevSecOps Community Survey. High-performing organisations deploy code 46 times more frequently than low performers, according to the State of DevOps Report.

Continuous Monitoring

Organisations with mature DevOps practices detect and resolve incidents faster. The State of DevOps Report highlighted that mature evOps organisations resolved incidents eight times faster than low performers. Continuous monitoring reduced mean time to resolution (MTTR) by 78%, according to a survey by Dynatrace.


Containerisation offers cost savings and faster resolution of security vulnerabilities. The 2021 CNCF Survey showed that organisations adopting containerisation reported a 40% reduction in infrastructure costs. Containerised applications experience a 51% reduction in the time taken to resolve security vulnerabilities, according to a study by Sysdig.

Feedback-Driven Development

Actively seeking feedback improves customer satisfaction. The State of Agile Report found that 78% of organisations practising Agile actively sought feedback from stakeholders and customers during development. companies that prioritise customer feedback have a 25% higher customer retention rate, according to a study by UserTesting.

Microservices Architecture

Adopting microservices reduces downtime and incidents. A study by DZone found that organisations embracing microservices achieved a 75% reduction in downtime and a 50% decrease in incident frequency. The State of DevOps Report stated that high-performing organisations practising DevOps were 1.5 times more likely to use microservices.


Automation reduces manual effort and improves productivity. The Puppet State of DevOps Report found that high-performing organisations practising DevOps spent 25% less time on manual testing. Organisations embracing automation experienced a 30% increase in productivity, according to a study by Accenture.

Cross-Functional Teams

Cross-functional teams deliver higher business value. A study by McKinsey found that diverse teams outperformed nondiverse teams by 35%, leading to better problem-solving and decision-making. The State of Agile Report highlighted that cross-functional teams achieved a 38% higher success rate in delivering business value.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

IaC practices reduce lead time for infrastructure provisioning. A survey by Forrester found that organisations using IaC experienced a 75% reduction in lead time. The Puppet State of DevOps Report revealed that organisations using IaC had 1,060 times faster lead time for changes and 24% lower change failure rates.

Agile Project Management

Agile project management methodologies, such as Scrum, increase project success rates. The State of Agile Report revealed that 71% of organisations practising Agile used Scrum. Organisations using Agile project management methodologies were 28% more successful in meeting project objectives, as stated in a study by PMI.


TDD improves code quality and reduces defects. The 15th Annual State of Agile Report reported that 82% of organisations practising Agile employed TDD to enhance code quality.

Cloud Computing

Cloud adoption offers scalability and cost-effectiveness. The Flexera survey reported that 92% of enterprises have a multicloud strategy. Organisations leveraging cloud computing can reduce infrastructure costs by 40% and achieve agility and efficiency, as estimated by Gartner.


The 2020 DevSecOps Community Survey reported that organisations practising DevSecOps had a 20% higher deployment frequency and 22% lower failure rate. Implementing DevSecOps practices led to a 50% reduction in time spent on security vulnerabilities, as revealed in a study by GitLab.

Business Benefits of
Using Technology to Become Future-Proof

Lack of Leadership Support

Lack of leadership alignment hinders successful digital transformation. Only 14% of executives believed their organisations successfully implemented digital transformation initiatives due to lack of leadership support, as highlighted in a survey by McKinsey. Executive sponsorship and involvement are crucial drivers for successful digital transformation.

Legacy Systems and Technical Debt

Outdated legacy systems pose challenges during digital transformation. The State of Agile Report revealed that 67% of organisations faced hurdles due to legacy systems. Addressing technical debt is essential for successful digital transformation.

Limited Budget and Resources

Budget constraints impede digital transformation initiatives. The Harvey Nash/KPMG CIO Survey found that 46% of IT leaders cited budget constraints as the main barrier to digital transformation. Investing in digital transformation initiatives leads to higher revenue growth, as reported by IDC.

Data Privacy and Security Concerns

Cybersecurity and data privacy are critical factors in digital transformation strategies. The Cost of Cybercrime Study by Accenture reported that the average cost of cybercrime for organisations increased by 13% in 2020. Organisations must prioritise data privacy and security during digital transformation efforts.

Measuring Success and ROI

Quantifying the impact of digital transformation initiatives is a significant challenge. The MIT Sloan Management Review reported that only 15% of companies could quantitatively measure the impact. Standardised metrics to measure project success improve success rates by 20%, according to the Project Management Institute.

Siloed Work Culture

A lack of collaboration and ineffective communication hinder digital transformation efforts. McKinsey found that 86% of employees and executives believed that a lack of collaboration and communication posed challenges. Breaking down silos and fostering a culture of collaboration are crucial for successful digital transformation.

Skills and Talent Gap

Technological disruption highlights the need for upskilling and reskilling. The World Economic Forum projected that by 2025, 85 million jobs could be displaced. Investing in employee career development improves retention and creates a skilled workforce. A study by LinkedIn revealed that 94% of employees would stay longer at a company if it invested in their career development.

Lack of Visibility and Control

Lack of visibility into the status of work poses challenges in Agile adoption. The State of Agile Report revealed that 56% of organisations identified a lack of visibility as a significant challenge. Organisations with high levels of visibility and control experience 80% higher project success rates, according to the McKinsey Global Survey on Agile.

Scalability Challenges

Scaling digital transformation initiatives across the organisation is a significant challenge. The Harvard Business Review reported that 72% of executives believed scaling digital transformation initiatives was challenging. Digitally mature companies achieve higher revenue and profitability, as found in a study by Boston Consulting Group.

Resistance to Change

Employee resistance and lack of change management hinder digital transformation. McKinsey reported that 70% of transformation initiatives failed due to employee resistance. Applying change management practices increases the likelihood of meeting project objectives by six times, according to the Prosci ADKAR Model.

Benefits of Partnering with a Global Technology Solutions Provider

Access to a Global Talent Pool

Outsourcing IT functions provides access to a broader range of skills. Deloitte reported that 47% of organisations outsourcing IT functions cited access to a broader range of skills as a significant benefit.

Global Agile Working Teams

Distributed teams across different time zones enable round-the-clock development and support. McKinsey found that organisations with globally distributed agile teams achieved higher satisfaction among team members.

Time Zone Crossover

Overlapping work hours across different regions facilitate continuous development, faster issue resolution, and efficient customer support. Accenture’s study revealed a 30% reduction in time-to-market for companies with distributed teams.

Advantages of Remote Working

As the demand for software engineers continues to outstrip the supply of local talent, hiring remote software engineers has become a viable solution. By leveraging the global talent pool, UK companies can tap into a diverse range of skilled professionals from around the world, helping to bridge the digital skills gap more effectively. One of the key advantages of hiring remote software engineers is access to a broader talent pool. By embracing remote hiring, companies can attract top talent from different geographical locations. This influx of diverse perspectives and expertise can greatly enhance innovation and problem-solving capabilities within organisations, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth. Additionally, hiring remote software engineers offers flexibility in scaling teams according to project requirements. Companies can expand their workforce to meet sudden surges in demand or rapidly adapt to changing technology landscapes. Remote work also promotes a healthy work-life balance, as software engineers have the freedom to work from their preferred locations and set their own schedules, resulting in increased job satisfaction and productivity.

This flexibility not only attracts top talent but also allows companies to quickly respond to market needs and maintain a competitive edge. Remote teams give you access to a diverse talent pool, and foster innovation and problem-solving while offering scalability and flexibility in team dynamics. Embracing remote working not only addresses the immediate skills shortage but also sets the stage for a more inclusive and adaptable workforce, enabling the UK to thrive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Benefits of Global Teams

To achieve successful digital transformation while optimising costs, many businesses are turning to global teams and adopting agile/DevOps methodologies. However, navigating this path efficiently requires careful consideration of various factors. In this section, we will explore ten essential aspects to consider when embarking on the journey of reducing digital transformation costs. From the strategic use of global teams, agile/DevOps practices, talent acquisition and communication strategies to leveraging cloud technology and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. These considerations will guide you in achieving cost-effective and successful digital transformation initiatives. Let’s explore the key elements that can unlock the full potential of your organisation’s digital transformation while keeping expenditures under control.

Evaluate the impact of time zone differences and devise strategies to optimise overlapping work hours.

Provide necessary training and support to ensure consistent adoption and adherence to Agile practices.

Foster a culture of knowledge sharing across global teams.

10 thing to consider

By considering these factors, you can effectively reduce the cost of digital transformation using global teams while harnessing the benefits of Agile software methodologies.

Language and Communication

Ensure effective communication across global teams by considering language proficiency and establishing clear communication channels to mitigate any language barriers.

Time Zone Differences

Evaluate the impact of time zone differences on collaboration and project coordination, and devise strategies to optimise overlapping work hours for efficient communication and decision-making.

Data Security and Privacy

Implement robust security measures and ensure compliance with data protection regulations in all locations to safeguard sensitive information throughout the digital transformation process

Agile Adaptation

Assess the readiness and adaptability of global teams to embrace Agile methodologies, providing necessary training and support to ensure consistent adoption and adherence to Agile practices.

Talent Pool

Assess the availability of skilled professionals in global locations who are proficient in Agile software methodologies and can contribute to your digital transformation initiatives effectively

Infrastructure and Connectivity

Assess the technological infrastructure and connectivity capabilities in different locations to ensure smooth collaboration, data sharing, and access to necessary tools and resources.

Project Management and Coordination

Establish effective project management practices to facilitate coordination, monitor progress, and address any challenges that may arise from working with distributed teams.

Cost Analysis and Optimisation

Continuously monitor and evaluate the costs associated with global teams and Agile practices, identifying areas for optimisation and cost reduction while maintaining quality and productivity.

Knowledge Sharing Documentation

Establish effective project management practices to facilitate coordination, monitor progress, and address any challenges that may arise from working with distributed teams.

Cultural Understanding

Recognise and accommodate cultural differences within global teams, fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment that respects and values diverse perspectives.


DevOps and Agile software development methodologies offer significant benefits, including improved collaboration, faster time-to-market, enhanced quality, increased
customer satisfaction, reduced risk, efficient resource utilisation, and adaptability.

 To overcome digital transformation challenges, organisations should focus on leadership support, address legacy systems, manage resistance to change, foster collaboration. Invest in skills development, allocate adequate resources, prioritise data privacy and security, improve visibility and control, ensure scalability, and measure success.

 Partnering with a global technology solutions provider that embraces Agile/DevOps methodologies brings additional advantages, such as accessing a global talent pool, global agile working teams, time zone crossover, and remote working. By leveraging these strategies and partnerships, businesses can successfully navigate digital transformation and thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

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