Time to Thrive

2022 – Time to Thrive Opportunities & Growth in the New Normal Over the last couple of years, we’ve seen much economic uncertainty, turbulence and change as households, companies, industries, governments and entire countries, grappled with the impact of the global pandemic. From rising unemployment and the shut down of economies to reduced GDP and […]

Why it’s time to embrace Agile/DevOps culture & methodology

The benefits of DevOps / Agile Culture & Time-zone Crossover Global Teams using DevOps, Agile development and time-zone crossover are the new normal. The pandemic has given rise to a new world where the demand for technological advancements to facilitate business efficiency, control and growth is higher than ever. The software and technology industries are moving […]

The Key Benefits of Digital Business Transformation

The Key Benefits of Digital Business Transformation Your competitors are going digital-first.Are you? Are your legacy systems and manual processes not reflecting the growth you want to achieve? Perhaps you are losing your competitive edge, unable to keep up with changing consumer demands, or struggling to respond to market opportunities at pace? If so, Digital […]

Common Challenges of Digital Business Transformation​

Common challenges of Digital Business TransformationAnd more importantly, how to avoid them! Perhaps your current business systems or processes don’t reflect or support the growth you want to achieve? Maybe you’re losing your competitive edge, unable to keep up with changing consumer demands or struggling to respond to market opportunities at pace? So quite sensibly, […]

Business Success with Digital Transformation

Business Success with Digitalisation Here, we share some of the best practices to help your business succeed. Let’s start with the bad news. Research shows that typically less than 30% of digital business transformation initiatives succeed. In addition, only 16% of survey respondents believe digital business transformation in their organisations actually led to improved business […]