Microservices – Architecture, Integrations, Migrations for Best-Of-Breed Solutions

Explore the transformative world of Microservices architecture, integrations, and migrations with our comprehensive eBook. Dive into the process of integrating and migrating to best-of-breed solutions and discover the countless benefits that organisations can achieve through the adoption of Microservices in their computing strategies. Revolutionise your approach to software development and modern application design with Microservices.

Become The Future You – Embrace Technology, Empower Success

Embark on a journey to ‘Become The Future You’ by harnessing the power of technology. Discover how to become a disruptor in your field and achieve future-proof success through innovation and personal transformation. Explore the path to leveraging technology for self-improvement and sustainable growth in the digital age.

Reduce Cost of Digital Transformation: Cost-Cutting Guide

Unlock the power of Agile methodologies to reduce the cost of digital transformation. Discover how implementing Agile and DevOps can increase visibility and drive the pace of implementation, ultimately saving resources and boosting efficiency in your digital transformation journey.

Bridging the Digital Skills Gap: Strategies for Effective Solutions

Discover actionable insights and proven strategies to tackle the digital skills gap head-on. Our comprehensive guide offers practical steps to equip individuals and organisations with the essential tools needed to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Embrace the Cloud: Unlocking the Benefits of Cloud Migration

In the last two years, we have seen a dramatic increase in the uptake of Cloud-based technologies. In their thousands, companies are ditching on-premises hardware for flexible software to secure greater cost efficiency, scalability, and security.Cloud adoption is as much about the technology involved as it is about the culture methods and skills needed to implement it successfully and sustainably. Our digital specialists understand that it is not a case of one-solution-fits-all but a continuous process that must be nurtured and maintained for the most optimal outcome.Savings on Infrastructure costs by migration to the cloud.

Business Process Automation (BPA)

For many organisations, BPA is a common feature of the digital transformation process, as it helps to streamline their workflows and make projects progress more efficiently. By automating manual tasks, we empower businesses to free up their employees’ time and resources, enabling them to focus on the projects that matter most. In addition, BPA significantly lowers the risk of human error, which can help to improve data accuracy and consistency. Ultimately, BPA can enable organisations to improve their bottom line.

Cyber Security – A Guide To Disaster Recovery

Is your organisation vulnerable to cybercrime? Perhaps you suffer from faulty IT infrastructure? In the digital era, the need for a robust disaster recovery strategy has never been greater. Did you know that just a minute of downtime could cost an organisation $5,600? (Gartner)

How to Become a Data Driven Enterprise

Data is power. AI, Machine Learning and Cloud technologies allow businesses to make data-led decisions that ensure business scalability, agility and growth.

In a world where over 90% of all data ever has been generated in the last five years and 5 quintillion bytes of data are created
globally each day, many organisations still struggle to process and leverage the vast quantities of data at their disposal.

Ensure Business Success With Managed Service Providers

Decisions, decisions. Each year, when contracts are up for renewal, organisations are often faced with a conundrum, whether to stick with the outsourced Managed Service Providers they already have or find an IT partner elsewhere.