Cyber Security - A Guide to Disaster Recovery

Is your organisation’s cybersecurity up to scratch? Do you have an effective Disaster Recovery framework in place?

If not, this webinar is all about helping you protect your organisation from system failures, ransomware and other forms of cybercrime.

Statistically, all organisations are likely to suffer a ransomware attack, and if they cannot retrieve their data in the aftermath, that means distressed customers, demoralised employees, heavy financial loss and an organisation’s reputation left in tatters.

In this webinar, Stuart will outline the best ways to ensure your Disaster Recovery is robust, resilient and reliable.

Key Statistics

  • 30% of businesses say they have deployed an Air Gapping solution
  • 96% of businesses fully recover from ransomware attacks when they have a backup and recovery solution in place
  • Almost two-thirds of medium-sized businesses have suffered a ransomware attack in the last 18 months
  • 21% of files are not protected in any way
  • 20% of organisations targeted by ransomware had to pay US$250,000 to recover their lost data

Discussion Topics:

  • Preparing for the unexpected
  • How severe is the threat of cyberattacks?
  • How to fend off cybercriminals
  • Data Recovery – the three-step process
  • A guide to Air Gapping

Hosted by:

Stuart Payne

Strategy Director